Marin Humane does not sell, rent or exchange contact information of subscribers, members or donors, including phone numbers and email addresses, with other organizations or individuals.

Marin Humane uses “cookies” for the convenience of our site visitors and members for the purpose of “shopping carts” used by our e-commerce components. Our website does not track individual user’s visits, but it does examine user data in aggregate in order to facilitate site visitor’s online experience and improve the quality of our content.

These policies do not extend to external commercial e-commerce Affiliate sites linked on our website. Please check with these companies and sites for their policies regarding data privacy, including the use of “cookies.”


Marin Humane does not sell, rent or exchange contact information of subscribers, members or donors, including phone numbers and email addresses, with other organizations or individuals.

Marin Humane uses “cookies” for the convenience of our site visitors and members for the purpose of “shopping carts” used by our e-commerce components. Our website does not track individual user’s visits, but it does examine user data in aggregate in order to facilitate site visitor’s online experience and improve the quality of our content.

These policies do not extend to external commercial e-commerce Affiliate sites linked on our website. Please check with these companies and sites for their policies regarding data privacy, including the use of “cookies.”

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